Interviews Boriska
Boriska: Indigo Boy from Mars
Moscow, Russia, October, 2007…
Boris Kipriyanovich is an Indigo Child, probably the most famous in Russia. Boriska, or ‘little Boris’, was featured in Pravda after Gennady Belimov, a university professor in the Volgograd region of Russia, witnessed Boriska, then aged just seven, astound an adult audience during a camping trip in which he held them spellbound for an hour and a half as he recounted tales of past lives on Mars and Lemuria, and warned of catastrophes due to affect the Earth in 2009 and 2013.
Within a short time, word was spreading within Russia about what this diminutive prophet had to say, especially once the story was picked by Moscow’s premier newspaper.
Word filtered to the west, where we first heard about him in our interview with Michael St Clair last year. Meanwhile, there had been a short piece about him in Nexus Magazine which had stirred up a huge amount of interest.
So Project Camelot decided to travel to Russia to find him. It seems we were the first westerners to have made the journey. On 8 October, we were privileged to interview him with his mother, Nadya, near Moscow where Nadya had brought him to attend a special school for gifted children. They live in a small one-roomed apartment. The father is absent. We will do all we can to help.
Boriska was twelve on 11 January 2008. Nearly a teenager, he is charming, delightful, shy, alert, perceptive, sensitive, and clearly highly intelligent. His most memorable comment to us was when Kerry asked him what he thought of the people of planet Earth. « I don’t like saying bad things about people », he replied…
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